Sunday, July 26, 2009

Manic Media.....

It's been a while, but things are happenin'. Work continues on the independent film, Recession Proof. We're well over half-way through production. Things are looking pretty good. Probably a couple more days to schedule for some studio shoots, then we bring in the big talent for two full days and wrap.

On the music front, I have been approached to fill in on vocals for a band that is in-between lead singers. I'll post more on this as new information becomes available. Suffice it to say, August is starting to look pretty busy....

Most recent movies viewed on video, Knowing and Fanboys. Knowing was different than I had anticipated and I wasn't sure how to take it at first, but the more I think about it, the better I like it. It's worth checking out. Fanboys was funny, but then I can relate to it. I got a lot of the in-jokes and recognized some cameos that most people won't catch. I haven't had time to get to the theater, so I'm missing some of the summer blockbusters. Oh, well....

Finished up a James Rollins book, Deep Fathom. I like his stuff. Good , fun Action/Adventure. Looking forward to Dean Koontz' third, and final installment of his modern Frankenstein series that will be released this Tuesday, July, 28th. Been waiting for a few years on this one. It was delayed due to the fact that it takes place in New Orleans and Mr. Koontz basically re-wrote it to incorporate the hurricane.

Looking in to the Sci-Fi/Fantasy sub-genre known as Steampunk. It's been around for a while. Think League of Extraordinary Gentlemen as a reference. Any thoughts on this my minions? Let me know. Until next time.....