Monday, July 1, 2013


I saw Man of Steel on its opening weekend but had to process it for a little while. Overall, I liked it but have had a hard time expressing the issues I had with it.

The first was the way Clark's childhood was depicted... very depressing.  The only message he got from Pa Kent was to always hide his abilities, even if it meant innocent people would die.  What?!!  Moving on... 

Here are some quotes I found that mirror my thoughts:

".....the destruction in this new movie isn't the main problem. In fact it's probably a realistic depiction of what would happen in those circumstances. The problem is that Superman shows no concern for the collateral damage at all."

" wasn't just that he didn't care, there was no remorse whatsoever."

" He was always supposed to be a beacon of light with which all the other heroes to come are measured against."

After all of the sound bites from the trailers where Jor-El and Johnathan Kent are giving him words of wisdom about how he can be a great man and lead people, it seems he's not off to a good start.

Hopefully, a sequel will depict how he's had to deal with all of this.