Saturday, May 23, 2009

Here's Johnny......Connor that is!

I just saw Terminator Salvation and I must have seen a different film than some of the critics. I read that you don't see John Connor until 20 minutes into the movie...WRONG. I heard a review that stated it didn't have much action....WAY WRONG. I really can't understand where they get this stuff. Do they even watch or do they send text messages to their dogs or something while the movie is playing?

Anyway, Christian Bale shows up as John Connor, right away, and the almost non-stop action begins (don't let the PG-13 rating throw you off. There's plenty of violence and mayhem for everyone). This is the future that the first 3 movies talked about. Skynet has taken over and the human resistance fights to reclaim the planet. Keep in mind that this storyline is consistent with the movies...It does not recognize the Sarah Connor Chronicles tv show as part of the mythology.

Along the way, there are a few surprises with the plot, but the biggest one for me is the fact that John Connor is not the focus of this movie. Yes, Christian Bale is the star, but this film really concentrates on the character of Marcus Wright, played by Sam Worthington. This is Marcus Wright's story. Also, Anton Yelchin plays young Kyle Reese. You may remember Anton as Chekov in a little movie called Star Trek that opened a couple of weeks ago. I hope he's paying his agent well!! The story is solid, the action and effects are great and I look forward to the next installment.

On a side note: Don't get sucked in to this whole 'Christian Bale is a hothead' thing that's going on. I've heard that people aren't going to see this movie because of his little tantrum he through on the set. Listen, this kind of thing goes on all the time. This one just got made public. They're actors, they tend to have ass-like tendancies from time to time. Move on.

Until next time minions.....I'll Be Baaaack!!!

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