Monday, June 15, 2009

Mixed Media

Watched The Spirit last night. The simple review; it was a very uneven movie. Some scenes worked, some...not so much. Samuel L. Jackson, as The Octopuss, was purposefully over-the-top, and that was cool. The rest of the cast was decent considering some of the material they had to work with. The exception, Eva Mendes. While she is eye-candy, she can't act. I'm not sure who told her she could. I have not seen her in a role yet where she could keep up with the other talent on screen. The movie was a decent rental. If you liked Sin City then you will be able to forgive the shortcomings of this flick and waste away a couple of hours. Note: this film did tank at the box office, so don't look for a sequel any time soon.

A few discoveries over the past couple of weeks... First, A cool streaming music web site that you can customize virtual "radio stations" to fit your tastes. Great concept. I've been listening to it quite a bit lately. Second, For the book enthusiast, this is a social website, book club, personal library tracker and book review. Quite cool.

Next up, you knew it was coming.... The return of Captain America! For the uninitiated, the good Captain was a long running character in the Marvel Comics universe and he was recently...killed. You heard it, just like the current B.S. going on in the DC Comics arena where they have now killed off Batman! (What a load of crap!!!) Oh well, they've got a big name writer working on it and circulation is up, so who cares, right. Anyway, just in time to start the wheels moving on the media machine for the 2011 release of the big-screen Captain America movie that was recently announced, they appear to be resurrecting the original stars and stripes crusader himself. I'm sure Batman will be back in the comics as soon as Bale is ready to do another movie. See how this marketing thing works. I'll make a prediction... Angels and Demons will be released on DVD and Blue-Ray within two weeks of Dan Brown's new book due in September. Watch and wait my minions......

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