Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Movies and TV and books...Oh My!

It appears as though the guest vocal spot in the other band is not going to happen. Schedules did not match up. Oh, well.

Should get a new Recession Proof shooting schedule any day now. Trying to wrap this month but will probably go in to September at this point. We'll see....

Saw the chick flick, New in Town and the Kevin Spacey film, 21.

New in Town starred Rene Zelwegger and Harry Konick Jr. It was a romantic comedy about a corporate executive (Zelwegger) sent to a small Minnesota town to lay-off workers at a factory. It was kind of Fargo meets Gung Ho (Michael Keaton, look it up). Predictable, but entertaining.

21 was about smart college kids going to Vegas and counting cards in Black Jack. Good acting, decent story but too long. Question: If you were an MIT mega-genius with an IQ off the chart, would you keep $300 thousand dollars cash in the tile ceiling above you dorm room bed? I think maybe not. Again, predictable, but entertaining.

Read the final (?) Dean Koontz Frankenstein book. Disappointed.... Two good books building it up with the third book coming to a screeching halt with a very short and very convenient resolution. Character development kind of dwindled away, and the Frankenstein monster, prominent early on, became a small side story. He barely showed up until the end and then just kind of stood around with nothing to do. Koontz had co-authors on the first two books. Think he could've needed some help on this one.

Been watching Warehouse 13 on Syfy channel. Not bad. Check it out if you get the chance. First episodes are online and Syfy repeats them every other day...
Also watching Defying Gravity on ABC. It's LOST in space (get it?). Weird LOST-formula storyline about a crew of astronauts on a six year mission around the solar system. Underlying mystery about some entity called "Beta" that's calling all the shots telepathically. Is it me or does their mission boss look like young James Cameron? It's moving reeeaally slow so far.....

That's all for now minions.....

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