Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm Baaack...

Hello, Minions.  Long time, no blog.  Oh, well.  A Media Menace’s work is never done.  How have you been? 

The new TV season has been rearing it’s ugly head.  Just more of the same  stuff, different day.  Still, there are a few standouts.  The successor to the LOST throne, Flash Forward is off to a roaring start.  There is even talk of a possible LOST tie-in.  We’ll see.  Stargate Universe is quite good.  Different in tone and attitude than the previous incarnations.  More dramatic and dark.  Check it out.  Fringe is back for season 2 and is better than ever.  Keep it coming…

A bona fide Dracula sequel novel has been released by none other than Dacre Stoker,  descendant of Bram, and Ian Holt, noted Dracula historian.  Dracula The Un-Dead picks up twenty-five years after the original events and is based on Bram’s own hand-written notes, plot threads and characters.  Should be interesting…

In the “blood from a stone” category, Robert Jordan’s supposed final Wheel of Time book had to be completed by author, Brandon Sanderson due to Jordan’s untimely death.  In the hands  of Sanderson and Jordan’s widow (and editor), they have taken what he fully intended on being THE final chapter and turned it into, not two, but three books.  “The scope and size of the volume was such that it could not be contained in a single book” is the official statement when, in reality, they want to make a ton more money, of course.  I hope its worth it to the fans.

This fall has been a dead zone at the theaters so far with only a few exceptions.

    The Amelia Earhart  biopic, Amelia, which looked to be a very good A-List movie with top actors, failed to break the top ten at the box office  in it’s opening weekend.  On the other hand, Paranormal Activity , the surprise hit of the season, has only grown immensely in popularity since it’s initial release.  Produced for a reported fifteen thousand dollars (that’s right, only a five digit budget) it has raked in over 63 million.  The movie going audience is so fickle.

And speaking of low budget, Recession Proof nears completion.  Our Hollywood talent has come and gone and I think we might have a decent little movie on our hands.  Two short scenes to shoot, then off to the editing suite.  Here’s a few pics for you to peruse.

Bon appétit….

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