Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Something Old, Something New...

I finally watched Clerks 2.  I wasn't expecting much, but it was actually pretty good.  Kevin Smith is clever, albiet raunchy as hell.  Most people either love his stuff or hate it.  There's usually no middle ground.  His new movie, Cop Out with Bruce Willis, starts this Friday, 2/26/10.  Some say he's a Sell Out but, in this economy, you've got to get the work where you can.

New to video is Couples Retreat with Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau, Jason Bateman and Kristen Bell.  Saw this the other night and it is pretty amusing.  Laughed out loud a few times.  My only complaint is that it was nearly 2 hours long.  That's fine for some movies but, for a comedy, it was about a half hour too long.

Finally, finally, almost done with the Dan Brown book.  It's lived up to all the hype.  This one should make a good movie.

I've recently been re-discovering Led Zeppelin.  I know...I know...Its really old school, but I'd forgotten how good they really were.  They only released 9 studio albums but every one has some great music on it.  You don't realize how many hits they had until you really start to dig into their library.

Ugh!  American Idol preempted Human Target tonight!  Glorified karaoke and its still on the air after all these years.  Does anyone even care what Randy or Simon have to say anymore?  Turned to the Olympics and what were they covering?  Cross-country skiing.  The announcer even said out loud (this is absolutely true) "This is a boring race".  I'm not sure if he knew his microphone was on or what.  For a network that admitted that they stood to lose millions on this deal, you'd think NBC would try to liven it up a bit!

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