Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Iron Clad Sequel...

Iron Man 2 opened Friday to an enthusiastic movie-going public.  Kicking off the summer blockbuster season, the movie managed to pull down over $128 million in its opening weekend (5th highest opening ever).  With an all-star cast and non-stop action, the movie manages to capture the fun of the original without becoming stale.
Actor roll call:

Robert Downey Jr.
(Tony Stark / Iron Man)
Samuel L. Jackson
(Nick Fury)
Gwyneth Paltrow
(Pepper Potts)
Scarlett Johansson
(Natalie Rushman/Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow)
Sam Rockwell
(Justin Hammer)
Mickey Rourke
(Ivan Vanko / Whiplash)
Don Cheadle
(Lt. Col. James "Rhodey" Rhodes / War Machine)
Jon Favreau
(Happy Hogan)
Garry Shandling
(Senator Stern)

The action picks up 6 months after the events of the first movie.  All of the fall-out from Tony Stark revealing he is Iron Man is catching up with him, as well as the side-effects of having a small nuclear reactor in his chest!  Enemies and competitors are chomping at the bit to take Stark down while he tries to deal with it all.  Favreau, again, directs and writes himself a bigger role in front of the camera too (come to think of it, most of his scenes are with Scarlett Johansson.... way to go Jon!).

While maybe not having the depth and character development of the original, IM2 delivers top-notch acting and a good story.  There's a lot going on here because Favreau is trying to keep things running smooth within the Marvel Comics universe.  They want to make their current crop of movies cohesive so that they will line up and come together in The Avengers, slated for summer 2012.  Iron Man began the story, so to speak, and evidence in IM2 suggests that its events coincide with the what happened in The Incredible Hulk movie (the Edward Norton version, not Ang Lee).  Thor and Captain America are set to debut next summer.  All of these characters are expected to come together in said Avengers movie.  That said, be sure to stay after the credits again this time for a "secret scene".

All-in-all a great summer movie for the minions.....

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