Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wonder Woman Changes.... Her Clothes

June 30th 2010: A day that will live in infamy.... At least it seems that way if you check out the initial responses to the "new" Wonder Woman.  J. Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5, Spider-Man, Thor) takes over writing duties with issue #600 and is making several changes, most notably to the Amazon's look.  A change in costume and story shrouded in a mystery doesn't really sound that bad.  The character has been around since her first official appearance in All Star Comics in December of 1941.  That's a long time for a lady to be wearing a one-piece bathing suit!  But, let's be honest, after 68 years she needed a face lift.Of course, the controversy has fueled interest in a struggling comic and first run printings of issue #600 sold out easily.  Wonder Woman comics haven't even been on the charts lately (which is why it is strange that she is considered one of DC's big three, alongside Superman and Batman) and the publisher saw a need to shake things up a bit.  Enter Straczynski.  Love him or hate him, he certainly generated sales when working on Spider-Man and Thor.  Those also had their share of story line, costume and dare I say it, gender changes ( Loki as a woman).  Straczynski is a talented writer and his work generally makes you think a bit.  He's also working on Superman as well, though I don't think Supes will be trading in his tights just yet.
I say give it a try and always keep in mind that NOTHING is ever permanent in comics.  It could have been worse, they could have kept the 60's Wonder Woman....

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