Monday, September 26, 2011

To Blog or not To Blog....

...That's not really the question.  It's a matter of time and... (glances at TV: Woa! David Letterman is looking old! ...looks back at computer) ... where was I? Whatever, never mind.  And speaking of Nirvana, 20 years? Well, I've stated my very unpopular opinion that they are one of the most overrated bands to ever wear flannel.  Anyway, if you're still reading, I'm obviously all over the place here.

Just watched the premier of Terra Nova.  A future Earth is overpopulated and over-polluted.  A discovered rift in space-time offers a gateway to a prehistoric past and a chance to start over.  The story, though not completely original (See author Julian May and the Saga of Pliocene Exile), has potential.  Some of the dialog is forced and cliche' and, from a technical aspect, the editing has some annoying glitches.  All of these things can be worked out over time, if the network allows it.  Unfortunately,  Brannon Braga is involved with the production.  He is one-half of the "creative" team that is responsible for the downfall of the Star Trek TV franchise.  Hopefully the other 12, count 'em 12 producers will keep him in check.  He co-wrote the pilot episode and is probably responsible for most of my gripes.  I'll still give it a try, however, since there is a shortage of good speculative fiction programming on right now (really, any good programming at all).  I almost forgot, Steven Spielberg has his name on it too, but it's in really small letters.  He'll probably turn his back on it like he did with SeaQuest.

Person of Interest got off to a rocky start.  Another good premise held down by poor dialog and very dry acting.  Sorry, James Caviezel.  Oh, and Michael Emerson is just playing Benjamin Linus from Lost again, but as a good-guy this time (his character name in this is actually John Reese, not Ben Linus.  Sorry for the confusion).  The pilot seemed very rushed and things fell in to place a bit too conveniently.  I have a feeling they intended it to be a 2-hour episode instead of 1.  And Jim's beard was soooo fake looking.  I hope this show gets better because I had high hopes for it.

Doctor Who will be wrapping up it's sixth season (or should I say "series") this week.  It looks like it will be a major cliff-hanger.  The show is still going strong.  Big Bang Theory is back with a, well you know, ..bang and Fringe is back for another mind-bending season.

Saw a few movies over the summer, but missed more.  Captain America was pretty awesome, by the way.  Didn't see Green Lantern, but I heard that might be a good thing.  Didn't see Cowboys or Aliens and didn't get to go "Ape" ;)  The new Conan took a dirt nap with the new Fright Night, but still didn't see those either.  Well, there's always the video releases to look forward to.

Just finished Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson's book, Hellhole....finally, and reading A Game of Thrones (I know, I'm late to the party.  Haven't seen the series yet either.)  DC Comics kicked off the New 52.  Re-launching 52 popular or new titles with number one issues.  Re-inventing or re-invisioning or re-gurgatating.  We'll see how that goes.

New music out by Lindsey Buckingham, Yes and a group I just discovered, Rival Sons.  Check it out.

Well I think I've recovered some of the ground I lost blogging over the summer.  We'll see if I can get back on here again before Christmas....

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