Friday, June 22, 2012

Power of Prometheus

From what I can tell, Prometheus is THE movie generating the most discussion online right now. Opinions range from it being a confusing mess to being a brilliant film. I lean closer to the latter. There is a lot going on in this movie, much of which is not explained clearly so, understandably, this may lead to a lot of confusion. There's also the religious aspect of the film. The origin of mankind is in question and this may not sit well with many. However, I must say that I've been thinking about Prometheus a lot since I saw it and most other movies just don't stick with me like this one has.

I think the scope of what the filmmakers are trying to accomplish here is on a very grand scale. Many explanations were not forthcoming because this is only a small part of a much larger story. People showing up to see another Alien movie are probably disappointed because that's not what they're getting here. It's much more. I could go on about the complex themes and different mythologies that are explored here but others have already done that in a much more eloquent and meaningful way. Suffice it to say that there are a lot of subtle layers.

The basic premise is that, 80 years in our future, scientists discover an 'invitation to the stars', if you will, to meet with beings that may have had a hand in human development and/or creation on Earth. These scientists receive backing from a reclusive bazillionaire and are able to take a full exploration crew aboard the ship Prometheus to the coordinates outlined in this "invitation". What they find is, of course, not what they bargained for. The Alien connection is mostly a nod to viewers that this is indeed taking place in the same universe. However, it is really its own separate story. If they continue on with what they've laid the foundation for here, it will be more of a parallel story on a much more epic scale.
The visuals are fantastic (I saw it in Imax 3D), the acting and effects are top notch, and while it is the biggest sticking point, I found the writing and story to be very intriguing and well thought out. I left the theater wanting more and, from what I hear, I'll get it in the extended Director's Cut when it is released on video, most likely this fall (20-30 minutes of additional footage).

My recommendation, as always, is to check it out yourself. Take in the visuals, think about what the story is trying to convey with an open mind and form your own opinion.

Prometheus is in theaters now. It's Directed by Ridley Scott, Written by John Spaihts and Damon Lindelof and stars Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Idris Alba and Charlize Theron.


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