Friday, June 13, 2014


If there can be such a thing as writer's block, then I can certainly suffer from reader's block.  It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, it lasts a while.  I'll read several books in a row, start the next one and BAM! , I hit a wall.  I'll set the book aside but can't seem to get motivated to pick it back up.  I'll think, maybe it's this book or the genre or something and try another, but... nothing.  I can't get back into it.  Other times I can circle around a book and read another, but it's slow going.

According to my Goodreads page, I've been reading Terry Brooks' Armageddon's Children for almost a year.  I'm only 117 pages in.  I have managed to read a couple of other books since then, but that took me a good while.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with the book or the author.  They're both great, in fact.  I just have some kind of mental block.  I read 2 chapters the other day, enjoyed it, but stalled-out again.

So, in my normal fashion, I've picked up another one, Kevin J. Anderson's The Dark Between the Stars.  I'm building up some momentum and if I can get through it, in relatively short order, I think I'll get back on track for Brooks' novel.  I'm hopeful that I won't get side-tracked again and can keep rolling as my 'to read' list is not getting any shorter.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is a reboot of the Tom Clancy franchise.  We've seen him played by Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and even Ben Affleck.  Now, in the title role, is Star Trek's Chris Pine.  As of this writing, I haven't watched the movie yet.  I'm going to check it out and follow up with my thoughts below.  Here's what I know before:  The reboot is an original story and I believe it messes with a lot of the earlier canon.  This makes a certain amount of sense, though, as Ryan was a product of the Cold War and evolved over time.  The reboot would have to be a new story, however it probably alienated long-time fans.  Strike one...  They released the movie in the theaters in January, not a great slot for a hopeful franchise do-over.  Strike two...  Author, Tom Clancy, died before the movie was released and it was not the box office success that I think the studios were looking for.  Probably Strike three for the franchise, but who knows?  Is the movie any good?  Does it live up to the Clancy legacy?  I'm gonna check it out right now....

...And, I'm back.  Well executed story.  It's definitely in the Clancy universe.  Part political thriller, part action with a pinch of high-tech spy gadgetry.  The cast does a great job and I'd love to see more stories.  Unfortunately, the movie only made a profit due to over-seas box office and the critics panned it pretty good.  I'm not sure the studio will have enough faith in this to try again.  The good news is that it didn't have the price tag that many A-list features do these days.  I think it's a better movie than the previous Sum of All Fears, but, alas, the proof is in the $$$.  At any rate, it's worth a rent.  Check it out and decide for yourself.

Friday, June 6, 2014


Recently viewed items in the theater and on video:

Captain America: The Winter Soldier   -   Excellent!
The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Electric Boogaloo   -   I miss Raimi...
Godzilla   -   If you like Godzilla...this one's for you.
X-Men: Days of Future Past   -   They finally got it right...

The Monuments Men   -   Much better than the critics gave it credit for.
The Wolf of Wall Street   -   Great, but make sure the kids aren't around...
Odd Thomas  -  Good adaptation of the book but would make a better TV series...
Frozen   -   Let it go...
American Hustle   -   The 70's were strange but fun...
Gravity   -   Too much hype, but visually stunning...

Looking forward to:

Edge of Tomorrow   -   Tom Cruise's Groundhog Day ... with aliens!
22 Jump Street   -   Not really, just kidding...
Transformers: Beat a Dead Horse... with Dinobots!
Dawn of The Planet of the Apes   -   Go bananas!
Lucy  -   Scarlett Johansson... 'nuff said
Guardians of the Galaxy   -   Why not!

Really disappointed that Jupiter Ascending has been delayed until February, 2015.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.........