Friday, June 13, 2014


If there can be such a thing as writer's block, then I can certainly suffer from reader's block.  It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, it lasts a while.  I'll read several books in a row, start the next one and BAM! , I hit a wall.  I'll set the book aside but can't seem to get motivated to pick it back up.  I'll think, maybe it's this book or the genre or something and try another, but... nothing.  I can't get back into it.  Other times I can circle around a book and read another, but it's slow going.

According to my Goodreads page, I've been reading Terry Brooks' Armageddon's Children for almost a year.  I'm only 117 pages in.  I have managed to read a couple of other books since then, but that took me a good while.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with the book or the author.  They're both great, in fact.  I just have some kind of mental block.  I read 2 chapters the other day, enjoyed it, but stalled-out again.

So, in my normal fashion, I've picked up another one, Kevin J. Anderson's The Dark Between the Stars.  I'm building up some momentum and if I can get through it, in relatively short order, I think I'll get back on track for Brooks' novel.  I'm hopeful that I won't get side-tracked again and can keep rolling as my 'to read' list is not getting any shorter.

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