Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Reality TV vs Good TV

Yep, Reality TV has given networks a cushion for these tough economic times. Pennies to produce and high ratings make executives salivate. The problem is, these shows have taken away from good, solid, entertaining, escapist television. People watch this stuff because it does not challenge them. They do not have to think, and contrary to what current Hulu commercials say, Reality TV is what is turning American viewers' brains to mush.
Now, that's not to say there are not creative islands in the sea of mindless drivel that has become our Prime Time viewing selection. There are still some writers working in Hollywood who care about telling a story. Unfortunately, most of these have reduced themselves to being very formulaic in nature. Shows used to be amusing, thought know, fun. Now all we have to look forward to is to see if our favorite singer or Survivor got voted off this week. Sad state of affairs.
I used to succumb to the allure of the Reality show myself. I saw singers, survivors, dancers, apprentices, big brothers, moles....all of it. But no more. I will pass on these in favor of a documentary or occasional "dramedy". I can no longer support programming that bumps good shows off the air. If you want my attention for your advertising dime, hire some actual writers!
I want a story, plot, acting, drama, comedy, action....fantasy, not reality! I live reality every day. I watch TV to get away from it. If you want me to tune in to these shows, you better go over the top with them. Bring back Richard Branson and the Rebel Billionaire show. Now that was something! It was like Apprentice Extreme International. They flew all over the world solving business challenges and performing actual death defying stunts.....Awesome! You want me to watch Survivor? They better be in Antarctica really trying to survive instead of laying out on some beach somewhere! network fix is down to about 4 or 5 non-reality shows per week. I don't have the presence of mind, time, or inclination to try to keep up with much more than that. And, I definitely don't want to waste any more time watching other people stab each other in the back for their pot of gold.
And now, my marvelous media minions...maul my message over in your minds and feel free to make musings manifest themselves here if you wish. I will return after a word from our sponsors....


  1. I have to agree with you on this one. Reality TV has gotten out of hand. I can’t stand watching it; however I was once part of the problem. Back in the years when I worked on productions in California I did nothing but reality TV. Most of the shows I worked on people have not heard of such as: TBS – The Mansion, Bands Reunited, American Dream Derby for the Game show network, even one for the kids – Disney channel Totally Hoops! There were more but my point is that there is just soooo many of them and every channel has them. It was hard to get a production job and not work on reality TV. Even though I do not like them I am guilty of watching one of them. Hells Kitchen is the only one that I ever gave the time to watch; but I guess one is not so bad, when the TV is littered with hundreds! It is hard to escape and they have a way to suck you right in!
